Sean Shadle

About me

My name is Sean Shadle. I am originally from Conway, AR, and moved to Fayetteville about 4 years ago. I have been in level 1 I.T. for most of my working life. I am currently enrolled in Lambda classes to learn full-stack web development and look forward to a blossoming career in the developement world!

Picture of Sean standing next to his girlfriend, Aundrea

I live with my girlfriend of 3 years, Aundrea. We met while working at Best Buy in 2017. We enjoy hiking and camping, as well as watching movies and playing video games.

Picture of cat laying head on dog

We have two pets together. Our dog's name is Layla and she turns 5 this October. Our cat's name is Abby and she will turn 8 in February.

Picture of Sean's nephew, Roman, with a bucket on his head wearing a shirt that says 'today I'm gonna change the world'

I also have a nephew named Roman who will turn 4 in September. As you can tell, he is gonna change the world one day.